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spacer Welcome to Plastic Soldier Designs!

It may not seem like a lot is going on around here, but there is usually something happening in the background.

This design for Plastic Soldier Designs was launched on July 16, 2010. And with that Disorientation and are both in the works for new layouts to come in the following months.

Inbetween redesigning Plastic Soldier Designs, I've worked on the site Renegade Photography, which is an online portfolio for a photgrapher. It'll be in the featured section below until my next work is complete.

If you like my work, please check out the contact page to get in touch with me to see what I can do for you.
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Featured Work
spacer Renegade Photography is the latest site I am working on.

It is a photography website, as the name clearly implies. It is still in the design stages and fine tuning. When it is complete, this space will update with a new screenshot, a link and more information!

Stay Tuned!

For more of my work please check out my Portfolio page.
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