Pretty much the entire existence and reason for this Design/Portfolio site.
This area consists of three sections.
- My websites
- Websites I've done everything for, ie. coding & images
- Websites I only did the coding for
If a link below isn't clickable, a screenshot for that particular design is not available. |
__;; my own sites ;;__ |
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Plastic Soldier Designs
Well you are currently on it. My design and portfolio site. Just my little place to show the work I have done.
[Version 1] [Version 2.0] [Version 2.1] [Version 3] [Version 4*]
* The current version you are viewing!
Visit The Site
plastic-soldier.com [formerly imgarbage.com]
This is my personal site. At one point in time it featured an active blog, but I have since taken it away and just use the site for a listing of my collections,
and for somewhere to do work on new designs. It's had many different layouts over time, and they are all archived on the site, as well as the imgarbage.com
Larger images: [Version 1] [Version 2] [Version 3] [Version 4*]
* design in the works, coming soon!
Visit The Site |
Disorientation: A Matthew Good (Band) Fansite
This is my Matthew Good fansite. It is my oldest still running website. Started back in 2001, still going strong today. Since for the longest of times it was
my only website, I never really thought about keeping screenhots of each design, so there aren't very many. It is currently on it's 18th design, with a 19th
coming soon.
[Version 18] [Version 19] [Version 20*]
* design in the works, coming soon!
Visit The Site |
__;; coding & images ;;__ |
Renegade Photography
Renegade Photography is a photography website, as the name would imply, that
features nature scene photos, wedding photos, club photos, and model shoots
Larger images: [Version 1]
Visit The Site |
With time sites I have done designs for have either moved onto other designs, designed them themselves, or
just in general have shut down. Here are those. |
About: Alarmbell / Limblifter I was asked to do Alarmbell's official site
literally just days after complaining that someone should get off their ass and get it running.
How cool is that. The re-incarnation of Limblifter known as Alarmbell
didn't last long and has returned, once again, to being Limblifter. Same great
music, new band, either name, totally amazing.
One of my favourite colour schemes and ideas behind this site. The main image of
the band had blurred faces, mostly everything in greys, except some reds here
and there (crosses for exaple).
Larger images: [Version 1]
I've archived
the site
here for your viewing pleasure.
But of course check out the official
Limblifter site here AND Ryan Dahle's site here! |
The Broken Record
About: Taylor wanted a new design for TBR and saw some designs I made so he asked if I wanted to make something for him and this is what I came up with. :)
Larger images: [Version
#Unknown] |
Die Popstar
Die Popstar was a site that featured great, if not awesome music that you
probably wouldn't hear otherwise. Most of it west coast related, but the odd
band from across Canada made it's way into the mix. Pretty much a site to get
info about great indie bands into the know!
If I could bring this site
back I totally would.
Larger images: [Version 1] [Version 2] [Version 3] [Version 4] |
Far From Here: A Marianas Trench Fansite (Acted as the official site for a while)
About: My friend Kesi wanted to start a fansite for this band, but ended up to have her fansite act as the official site until the band got there own up. This site helped out the band A LOT. :)
I've designed the first and third versions of it.
Larger images: [Version 1] [Version 2] [Version 3] |
__;; just coding ;;__ |
As with the sites above having changed over time or shut down, these sites below have also moved on since I worked on them. |
Roxanne Potvin
About: Well I was asked if I could help out with this site, since I am good with coding
and all that. So I took on the task of cutting the images when they were sent to me, and coding them up.
Working as a team on it worked out really nicely I think. Larger images: [Version #Unknown] ** Site is diffrent now, but click here to visit** |